Course curriculum

  • 1

    Advanced financial statement analysis

    • Welcome to VMC M3

    • Access to Dropbox and ValueModel setup

    • Join the community

    • Constructing the cash flow statement

    • How to account for non-controlling interest

    • Share repurchases as an alternative to dividends

  • 2

    Practical valuation skills

    • Things to consider about Merck

    • Submit Merck revenue structure report

    • Submit valuation of Merck in the Facebook group

    • Things to consider about Petro China

    • Submit Petro China revenue structure report

    • Submit valuation of Petro China in the Facebook group

    • Value a company of your choice

    • Submit revenue structure report of your chosen company

    • Submit valuation of your chosen company in the Facebook group

  • 3

    Applying institutional tools

    • Introduction to the final report assignment

    • Request model for your final report company

    • Submit revenue structure report of your final report company

    • Consider constraints to growth

    • Submit constraints to growth for your chosen report

    • Learn to benchmarks companies against its peers

    • Submit World Class Benchmarking scorecard write up

  • 4

    Ethical responsibility of an analyst

    • Welcome to VMC M4

    • Ten ways ethics adds value to you

    • Are we really putting clients first?

  • 5

    How to write a great report

    • 8 Elements of a great research report

    • Identify the key drivers for the future

  • 6

    Practical valuation skills

    • Things to consider about Microsoft

    • Submit key story drivers for Microsoft

    • Submit valuation of Microsoft in the Facebook group

    • Things to consider about China Vanke

    • Submit key story drivers for China Vanke

    • Submit valuation of China Vanke in the Facebook group

    • Value a company of your choice

    • Submit key story drivers for your chosen company

    • Submit valuation of your chosen company in the Facebook group

  • 7

    Applying institutional tools

    • Analyzing competitive position

    • Submit Porter's Five Forces for your final report

    • FVMR Investing: Quantamental investing across the world

    • Submit FVMR scorecard for your final report company

  • 8

    How to give a powerful presentation

    • Welcome to VMC M5

    • Presenting your equity research

    • Sample demonstration

  • 9

    Practical valuation skills

    • Submit key story drivers for Hong Kong & China Gas

    • Submit valuation of Hong Kong & China Gas in the Facebook group

    • Submit key story drivers for General Motors

    • Submit valuation of General Motors in the Facebook group

    • Submit valuation of your final report company in the Facebook group

  • 10

    Applying institutional tools

    • Submit story section for your final report

    • Submit ESG for your final report

    • Submit Team and Leadership slide for your final report

    • Submit valuation slides for your final report

    • Submit executive summary and risk section

    • Schedule your final presentation